Thursday, June 28, 2012

I didn't make you a mixtape, but...

Oh my god. These mixtapes are SO GOOD and so free and easy to download. Really, this whole blog is kind of awesome as far as music obscurities and hidden gems are concerned. Check out Aquarium Drunkard. [Thanks, Ryan.]


Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Life is really weird. They connections you can make with other humans- friendships, family, loves, short-term intense connections... I definitely believe that these are what makes every day interesting. Working at a bar, I meet so many people, and have so many interactions, and most of them are bullshit, but once in a blue moon, there is one that sticks with me. I made a friend a few months ago; he was in town from San Francisco, and needed a guide. As I was driving him to the airport, he shared some music with me that I really liked, and every so often he sends me a song. I really like the sort of correspondence. I'll share a few of them with you




Monday, June 11, 2012

In a new place

Finally past what I hope is my most stressful month of the summer. I finished the semester, made it through my show (even sold some work), started an awesome curatorial/ design/ mural project, and have moved into a new place.

Having this much space and still being able to call east East Pilsen home is plenty to make me happy. The best part, no doubt, is the huge, open lower floor of the apartment- which has a utility sink, bathroom, and lots of lighting: perfect for a studio. This has been my first real day off to get some unpacking and setup done, and already I just wanna be down here all the time.